Albert Juhasz PhD

Albert Juhasz

Albert Juhasz PhD

  Senior Project Scientist


The aim of this talk, regarding nuclear power plants for terrestrial baseload electric power generation, is to propose a path leading to eventual elimination of fossil fuels and the resultant “Greenhouse Gas Emissions”, as outlined in the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The result would be an amelioration of world climate problems achieved by the application of advanced nuclear fission technology for baseload power generation.

Moreover, the experience gained from ground based advanced nuclear power plant development and construction, utilizing technologies such as the “Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor” (LFTR), would re-invigorate US and World economies. This experience and expertise in large scale construction and operation of such power plants should also enable us to embark on colonizing missions of our Solar System, by utilizing derivatives of these technologies, specifically adapted to environments, existing on the Moon, Mars, and the “water” moons of Jupiter (i.e. Europa) and Saturn (i.e. Enceladus, and Titan).

The difference in design drivers for nuclear power plant architectures and their “energy conversion systems” (ECS) destined for “planetary surface and planetary moon” applications, as opposed to terrestrial facilities will be explained and illustrated in detail, including conceptual design and performance of ground based LFTR power plants with CBC conversion systems featuring “compressor intercooling” and “turbine reheat”.  
